Like WHOA. I haven’t done 2 days in a row in quite some time! WHAT? Yeah. I thought for sure I’d be dead after my Filthy 30 WOD the day before, but nope. I actually felt really good! And went back for more.
It was a great one, too. I saw hang power cleans and was like, I’m so there.
8 min ME hang power cleans (115/75)
each time you break, perform 15 squats
3 min rest
8 min ME hang power snatch (75/55)
each time you break 15 squats
*score is cleans/snatches/squats*
I did 80 hang power cleans at 75 lbs in 8 minutes, and 75 air squats.
For the 2nd round, I did 64 hang power snatches at 55 lbs in 8 minutes, and also 75 air squats.
My score was 80/64/150
I was pretty happy with that! 🙂