Bring a Friend Day! A good WOD to post about, for sure. I was excited because one of our guys, Ivan, from Dali finally decided to come in and try it out. I was SO PROUD OF HIM!
I was hoping to get paired up with him, but Tom stuck him with Jared instead, which totally worked out. Jared was great with him!
Dezi and I became a killer team, as usual. Love her!
The WOD was:
800m Run
100 hose slams
80 OH lunges (45/25)
60 burpees
40 box jumps (24/20)
400m Run
40 box jumps
60 burpees
80 OH lunges
100 hose slams
800m Run
I rowed. Dezi did the bike thing. We finished in 31:13. We wanted to do Mens weights and box heights but we were told no. 🙁 THAT would’ve been awesome.
We were all sore the few days, but that’s the good stuff.