WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP
9 – Power Cleans (155/105)
5 – MU’s
15 – Power Cleans
5 – MU’s
21 – Power Cleans
5 – MU’s
the scale for Muscle Ups was Pull ups or C2B. I did C2B with a band, and was able to get through them! Man oh man, though. I feel like, for the first time ever, I got the movement down properly for my cleans. Whaaat? Yeah. As in, I opened up my hips when I was supposed to and the shit just flew up to my front rack!
Only downside is, I’m not used to moving my elbows fast enough to get under the bar, so the bar has been landing on my collarbones instead, particularly my right one. It just means I have something else to work on, and those 105s felt good!