Just playing catch up here right now.. Let it be known that I do NOT like banded bench or banded anything for that matter, except banded pull ups. Banded bar anything sucks and feels totally unstable to me.
Strength: Dynamic Effort Upper
1.) 6×3: Banded Bench Press – :30 Seconds Rest
Bar Weight = 40% of 1RMBand Tension = 1RM Under 150# – Orange, 1RM Under 250# – Red, 1RM Over 250# – Blue
2.) 3×10: Bent Over Rows – AHAP
WOD: 9 Minute AMRAP
10 – S2OH (115/75)
15 – Lateral Bar Hopping Burpees
Finished the WOD with 4 and 1 rep and did the RX weight oh yeahhh.