This one was a killer..
I started my morning out with a mile run. I went in at 10a to do just that.
I went back in the evening with Holly to do the actual WOD of the day. It was all kinds of awful! I needed it.
For time
100 DU buy in (300 singles)
3 rounds
15 Box Jumps 24/20 FGB
15 Wall Balls
20DU (60 singles)
3 Rounds
15 T2B
15 OHS 75/55 (I did front squats at 75lbs)
20DU (60 singles)
I really need to work on my DUs. 🙁
My time sucked on this one too.. 26:15. I SHOULD BE BETTER THAN THIS. WTF. This is SO FRUSTRATING.