So yeah.. there are a few things I’d like to talk about.
Bring a friend day was awesome last week, totally my kind of workout awesome. Box jumps, kettlebells, push ups, jumping lunges, I was all over that!
Yes, I brought a friend, she hated me for it. She WANTED to go.. was dying to check it out, even asked when she could come with me next to try it out. She did a complete 180 halfway through the warm up. She finished like a superstar, and even wanted to go running afterwards, but during the workout, she was not a happy camper!
Because of the way one thing leads to another in this head of mine, I started thinking about this a little more in depth. How people want to come in and try it, and then they’re like OMG this isn’t what I expected!!! after it’s all over. So you know what I want to say??
Guess what, kids? Crossfit’s fucking hard. It’s not easy. What I’ve done and accomplished here, this shit’s not easy. It’s not puppies and flowers. It’s not a walk in the park, it’s not a pontoon boat ride around on the intracoastal. Nope. I am honestly annoyed that people think that what I’ve done was done with little to no effort. It’s insulting. You don’t completely transform your life, body and by taking an aerobics class, at least I don’t. You don’t fix your health problems, put on a shit ton of muscle, tone up, drop weight, and get smaller by eating Panera, cookies, cakes, and pasta, or by going for a brisk walk in the evening. No. Sorry. It doesn’t work that way.
You want to change? You want to become a stronger and healthier, more competent person? Then guess what? You have to put in the blood (a little), sweat (a LOT), and tears (some here and there) and make it happen. You stop eating garbage, processed foods, crap, sugar, candies, cakes, pies, sodas. You make the fucking effort to change your life, and you stick with it. And guess what?? IT WORKS! Not overnight, not in a few days, but over the course of weeks, months, years.
I’m tired of people asking me what I do, how I’ve done it, what it took to get to where I’m at today, and then when I tell them, they respond with “OMG I COULD NEVER DO THAT! I couldn’t give up this or that, or OMG I was born to eat loaves of french bread, I could never stop eating BREAD!”
(really?? come on..)
It’s like, well I didn’t take some magic pill, asshole. When I get those responses, I take it as those people belittling my efforts, undermining what REALLY goes into a lifestyle change. Yes, I judge. I keep it to myself most of the time now, because it’s just better that way, but yeah. If you want to change, you have to commit to change! You want drastic results? You’d better make some drastic changes! Yes, it can take time to get used to it, it will take time to start seeing results, but if you don’t commit to making these positive changes in your life for the better, then what do you expect???
So yeah. There’s my rant. I’ll feel slightly guilty if you’re offended, but I’m not sorry. Crossfit is clearly not for everyone. But if you want to make a life change, and do something fucking INCREDIBLE and empowering, then I strongly recommend trying it for a month, and changing your diet as well. Do a clean sweep and give it a shot. But don’t ever go in thinking it’s easy. And if you DO think it’s easy, then you’re probably doing it wrong.