So my awesome neighbor Patty joined me on this fine Saturday! It was supposed to be Teams of 3, and we tried doing Teams of 4, but they split us up into Teams of 2 instead. Fine! I showed her how we do things!
The WOD:
Teams of 3
100 cal row
100 lateral bar burpees
100 power cleans (135/95)
100 T2B
100 push jerks
I did 75lb power cleans, I believe. And then 75lb push jerks. I was wrecked from the day before though, where I did 100s over at TFW, too. My traps were fried.. I tried to minimize my traps usage by powering through with my legs, and it helped considerably, but I’d be lying to myself and you all if I said I still wasn’t using my traps to get the bar overhead.
Patty and I ended up each doing around 33 reps, give or take. On some stuff, she’d do more, and vice versa, so it worked out well!