Just keep going. Get dressed, drink your coffee, do what you need to go, and go to the damn gym.
That kept me going all last week. I was proud of my 4 days! I haven’t done that in a long time, and it felt amazing.
Tuesday’s WOD was:
20 min amrap
10 Pistols (5 per leg)
15 pull ups
I scaled ALL of it and had no shame.
My shoulder was sore from who knows what, so I didn’t want to push it with HSPUs. I did regular push ups instead.
the last time I tried pistols, legit pistols, was over 3 years ago and I about blew my knee out. Since then, I’ve always used a band, or held on to the post, or both. I did both this time.
and I went for the pull ups, but for whatever reason, it also wrecked my shoulder/neck/trap muscles on my left side, so I asked Russ real quick what a good substitute would be and he recommended ring rows.
So. I did 5 push ups, 10 assisted pistols, and 15 ring rows. In 20 min, I completed 8+10 rounds. No shame, no guilt. I didn’t hurt myself, and I was damn proud of that as I walked out of the gym that night.